Sunday, September 20, 2009

Cookies & Cream Coconut Milk Ice Cream

Doodle had such a good week at school this week. It's amazing how much she has achieved in just 3 short months. The teacher sent home a note saying that she cut out her raccoon all by herself. I know this seems like such a small thing that most 5 year old's can do. But, fine motor skills are so difficult for Doodle and a simple thing like concentrating long enough to cut around an object was near impossible for Doodle 3 months ago. So, I was so excited to hear this great progress on the first day of school. Doodle also was asking me how to spell words this weekend and would hold up each letter after she wrote it and exclaim - "Look, Mommy, I made an awesome 'V' (or whatever letter she was making)." Sure enough, I would look, and she had made the latest letter absolutely perfectly! Again - something she could not do 3 months ago.

To celebrate these great feats, we made ice cream tonight! The recipe this time came with mixed reviews. The neighbor boy across the street claimed it was the best ice cream he had ever had - as did Doodle's sister. The neighbor girl and Doodle didn't have the same love for it. I have come to learn Doodle just isn't in love with coconut milk - so I will probably have to drop that from my non-dairy milk line-up. Oh well. Here's the recipe - try it for yourself and see what you think.

Cookies & Cream Coconut Milk Ice Cream

1 14 oz Can Lite Coconut Milk
2 Cups Original Almond Milk - or other Dairy Free beverage (no flavor added)
1/2 Cup Sugar
1/2 Cup Agave Nectar
1/2 teaspoon Xanthan Gum (optional)
1 Tablespoon Pure Vanilla Extract
1 Package Gluten Free/Casein Free Sandwich Cookies (I use KinniToos Sandwich Cookies)

1. In a mixing bowl, mix Lite Coconut Milk, Almond Milk, Sugar, Agave Nectar, Xanthan Gum, and Vanilla on high speed until sugar is dissolved.

2. Add mixture to ice cream maker according to your manufacturers directions.

3. Churn for 20-25 minutes (according to Mfg directions) until thick.

4. Crush Sandwich Cookies and add to ice cream mixture. Churn for 5 more minutes to mix in.

5. Place ice cream in freezer safe bowl and freeze for several hours. Scoop up a dish and savor.

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